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7 Responses to WEEK 32 IMAGINE FOREST

  1. spaine says:

    Well done for completing another excellent challenge. I hope you get some more comments but make sure you also share it with you family.

    Mr Paine

  2. Mrs Haka says:

    I like the opening – I wanted to imagine what I would see in a forest straight away. A lovely place name – perhaps it needs a capital letter as it is a name though?

    What is it about the BIRDY NUGGETS which makes them the most amazing thing in the world? I am imagining something a bit like chicken nuggets with wings and multi-coloured feathers swooping by – though I can’t imagine they would taste very nice! Then I thought of nuggets of gold instead – maybe flying golden birds dazzling in the sunlight.

    Very thought provoking. Just check your sentence structure a bit towards the end – the tense varies a little – try to maintain past tense throughout.

  3. turna says:

    Great sentence opener, on the other hand.

  4. Sophia says:

    Well done Zav! This is a very good piece of writing x

  5. blook says:

    Great piece of work, Zavier, though remember to stay in the same tense. Well done.

  6. obere says:

    Very good piece of writing

  7. Mrs. Peterson (100wc) says:

    Zavier, wonderful beginning – the imagine forest! Anything could happen here for the Lego boy. The Birdy Nuggets made for a light-hearted ending. I like it! Thank you for sharing your writing.

    Mrs. Peterson
    Texas, USA

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