martha 100 wc

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11 Responses to martha 100 wc

  1. spaine says:

    Martha, I am glad that we have been able to publish one of your blogs. Your writing is always so good it deserves a wider audience.

    Mr Paine

  2. Mrs Haka says:

    A great piece – so powerful and thought provoking. I now have so many questions in my head! Where does the family live? What are the birds like? I am imaginging black, sinister birds – a menacing threat.

    The only sentence I would work on is the ending. You change tense in the middle. The world WENT black but then THROBS is in the present tense rather than using THROBBED.

    Keep up the good writing, I hope to read your next piece.

    Mrs Haka

  3. jarve says:

    well done

  4. harta says:

    this is a great piece of writing

  5. obere says:

    This is a really good piece of writing

  6. DAN says:

    well done

  7. murre says:

    OMG Martha this is amazing!!!! I love the word vertigo and I don’t even know what it means!!!!
    from Emily xx

  8. blook says:

    Fantastic, Martha. there are so many parts of this post I enjoyed reading.

  9. onams says:

    Well, well Martha. Another great story. The language is impressive and unique. I look forward to reading another one of your fantastic pieces. 😀

  10. Martha Baskett says:

    Thank you for your comments! I will take in all the advice and take it on board in my next 100 word challenge.
    Thank you again, for taking the time to comment, you’ve been a great help

  11. turna says:

    This is a powerful piece of writing try to add in historical questions.

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