battle zone!

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4 Responses to battle zone!

  1. Graciella says:

    Hi there! Very well done on writing such a wonderful story! Here are some points I would like to make about it:
    – You had some brilliant descriptions such as “dark misty seas”; these add tension and allow the reader to imagine what your story looks and feels like.
    – Be careful when using colloquialisms (which means words or phrases used in everyday language). For example, you said ‘like a boss’ which although is not incorrect in terms of spelling or grammar, it is not something you would really use in a story or creative text.
    – You start sentences in very interesting and creative ways – ‘without hesitating’, ‘finally’, ‘taking a peak’ are just a few examples from your text. Great work!
    – Don’t forget to have spaces between commas and the following word. I am referring to: “Finally,I made it back.” I am sure this was just from typing but it does highlight the importance of reading through your work to check for little mistakes!
    – Fantastic end, makes me want to find out what happened to Junior!

    Overall, I am very impressed by your story and I hope you keep writing to develop your skills. Well done on this amazing piece!

  2. Mr Paine says:

    Stephen, beautifully written. great description, good tension. A lot happens in a hundred words. I can picture the scene. This is a perfect example of how to get maximum impact out of a 100 words. Well done.

  3. thomg says:

    NICE WORK STEPHEN hope you keep it up

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