100wc by Achieng

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4 Responses to 100wc by Achieng

  1. Mrs Haka says:

    I like the second part of this when you add more detail. The dialogue is a clever opening to the piece – just check your punctuation in this section though as you have missed a few full stops, for example.

  2. Ms Woodgate (Team 100WC) Maidstone, Kent. UK says:

    What a wonderfully descriptive 100 Word Challenge entry. You have used the prompt seamlessly into your writing. What a marvellous range of vocabulary you have included. It really created a tense atmosphere and it was lovely how you really described well how each person spoke.
    Your teacher is right, using speech is a good idea, but read it aloud to spot full stops and commas.
    This was a joy to read, Keep up the good work.

  3. Achieng says:

    Thank you for taking your time to comment, they are very much appreciated!

  4. onams says:

    well done Achieng, this is amazing. Great use of speech and description. Also interesting sentence openers. Keep up the fabulous work ! 😀

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