100wc week 35 Jess

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2 Responses to 100wc week 35 Jess

  1. Mrs Evans says:

    Thank-you for your entry this week, Jess.

    This was an interesting read. However, I was a bit confused by the prize. I wondered why the school would give toxic waste as a prize? Is it the name of a type of sweet? If it isn’t a type of sweet and it was real toxic waste why would you eat it? Maybe it was real toxic waste inside a toxic waste sweet packet? Maybe it was just a tingly sweet.

    That aside, you have some great writing skills. You have used a variety of sentence openers: afterwards, walking home, this Monday. These openers made your writing interesting to read. I also like the way you have experimented with using commas in your writing and the way you have varied your sentence lengths: ‘I was next.’ All of these techniques are great. Keep using them!

    Mrs Evans (Team 100wc UK)

  2. onams says:

    Well done Jess. Very Creative. It is good how you have used the sweet Toxic Waste which is sour.

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