100 word challenge week 28

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8 Responses to 100 word challenge week 28

  1. Mrs Gill (Team 100WC Leeds UK) says:

    Well done Amelia for completing the 100 word challenge. I can see that you have worked hard on your sentence structure, have varied your openers and have even included a simile. Remember to use your words carefully when you only have 100 and try not to repeat things – you say he was riding/cycling through the forest twice. Did it all go black as he fell to sleep because it was a haunted forest?

    Keep rising to the challenge.
    Mrs Gill (Team 100WC Leeds UK)

  2. spaine says:

    Well done for completing the challenge this week. Have you shown it to your parents?

  3. kira says:

    well done I really enjoyed reading that story

  4. Sophia says:

    Amelia, this is a very good piece of writing. I really enjoyed reading it!

  5. Martha and Frankie says:

    woah! unique story, its really something! It was so hilarious!

  6. Jack says:

    well done building up the tension at the start.

  7. andem says:

    Howea it was just amazing

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