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3 Responses to SWIMMING FUN!

  1. Graciella says:

    Hi there! Thank you for uploading your story, it was fun to read! Here are some things I would like to note:
    – Please remember when you are listing items or names, you must put a comma in between them. For example: “Daisy, Tuvana, Jodie, Brooke, and I went swimming in the Glades.”
    – Following on from this, to identify whether to say ‘I’, ‘me’, or ‘myself’ when listing people, take the other names out and see if it makes sense. So:
    *”me Daisy Tuvana Jodie and Brooke all went swimming in the Glades” would change to “me all went swimming in the Glades” which does not make sense.
    *However, “Daisy, Tuvana, Jodie, Brooke, and I went swimming in the Glades” would change to “I went swimming in the Glades” which does make sense.
    – Well done for starting all of your sentences in different ways, this is a good skill and avoids repetition.
    – Please note the spelling correction for ‘coincidentally’.
    – Fantastic use of punctuation here: exclamation marks and ellipses were used in effective ways.

    Keep up the good work!

  2. Mr Paine says:

    Jessica, glad the day worked out in the end. All sounds very realistic, especially what you did all night. If you have a list of names, what punctuation usually separates them? Well done for completing the blog, I can’t imagine what Daisy, Tuvana, Brooke or you would do when you get angry.

  3. tylej says:

    Great story jess I think its amazing! just remember to use commas in a list.

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